Monday, April 1, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Spins in São Paulo, as Promo Party Tour Winds Down

Partying for money is nice work if you can get it, and somehow Lindsay Lohan still can. As her promo tour winds down in Brazil, LiLo's clearly coping better than she was a few days ago when she was photographed apparently crying under a nightclub table. Sources from E! Brazil tell E! News that the legally challenged star seemed in good spirits and relaxed at a John John Denim bash at São Paulo's Café de lá Musique nighclub Saturday night. Going braless in T-shirt and miniskirt ensemble and Louboutin heels, Lindsay was friendly with everyone from the club as she made the rounds with a friend and a honcho from the clothing label. Playing it cool, Lindsay reportedly requested that only juices, water and coconut water where to be seen in the VIP area, while keeping a glass of vodka and red bull on the side for herself. Whatever Lindsay was doing seemed to be working for her as sources say she was having a great time and even did a stint as a deejay. The relatively mellow vibe continued the next morning when she hit the beach for some sight-seeing before her flight back to the U.S. Monday.

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