Saturday, March 30, 2013

"The Bible" 2013 Episode 9 to 10

This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from the most popular book in human history, from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

Episode 09 and episode 10
Passion / Courage

Season 1 , Episode 09 - “Passion”
Dawn on the day of Passover. Peter, fearful and disillusioned, denies that he knows Jesus and realizes Jesus’ terrible prediction has come true. Judas faces his own guilt and hangs himself. Pilate’s wife is also troubled – she dreams that her husband is about to execute an innocent man. But Pilate has little choice. Caiaphas leans on Pilate, warning him that Jesus’ execution is necessary to keep the peace. Neither can afford for the teeming Passover crowds to riot...

Season 1 , Episode 10 - “Courage”
Peter finally understands Jesus’ message, and his faith is rewarded- Jesus returns from death, commissioning the disciples to ‘go and preach to all creation’. Days later, in Jerusalem during Pentecost and with wavering faith, the disciples pray fervently and the Holy Spirit empowers them. Their godly mission begins, but it will entail a constant battle of hatred and violence from non-believers. When new follower Stephen speaks out against Paul of Tarsus he is stoned to death. Paul, whose belief in Jewish law has led him to despise the teachings of Jesus, is enlisted by Caiaphas to remove this new group.


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