Friday, March 29, 2013

Britney Spears' Boyfriend: 5 Things to Know About David Lucado

Britney Spears is all smiles once again—and it appears that the new guy by her side has a lot to do with it. The 31-year-old mother of two has been spotted frequently in the company of David Lucado and, considering how much time they've been spending together, we just had to know more about him. And we've got good news: He sounds like a solid guy. But don't just take our word for it. Here are five things to know about Britney's new beau: 1. He's a Good Ole Virginia Boy: Britney has finally found herself a real Southern gentleman! He didn't attend the university, but David is a major Virginia Tech fan and was born and raised in the Commonwealth State, hence the Hokies gear he proudly wears when he's out and about. 2. He's a Scratch Golfer: "David was a star high school golf player. He could have played college golf," Jim Eanes, who coached Lucado in high school, exclusively tells E! News. Added high school pal Knox Higley, of the Ivy Hill Golf Course in Forest, Va.: "As far as I know he has been playing all his life...He was a zero [handicap]. He shot around even par. He was a good golfer. He was usually in the top two or three in high school." Another golf pal reveals that Lucado was known as "Lucky" around the course. "When he played, he was just lucky," the friend says. "He was a great shot-maker. He could pull out some great shots." We've never seen Britney teeing off, but maybe David could play with her dad or brother... 3. His Kind Nature—and Golf Skills—Scored Him His First Job: Jim Wilmouth, former owner of the Cavalier Laser Carwash in Forest, remembers hiring a 14-year-old Lucado to work weekends after being impressed by his character during a golf tournament. He met the kid when he needed more players to complete a foursome in a competition. Their team placed second, but Wilmouth was even more impressed by the way Lucado treated an elderly man who was playing that day. "I hired David at 14 years old after one round of golf," he exclusively tells E! News. "He was so much fun. He treated this old man respectfully and polite. He helped the man on and off the course and you don't see that, so I wanted this kid to work for me." "It struck me how polite he was," Wilmouth adds. "It wasn't normal for a 14-year-old, and he helped this old man who could barely walk and help him get on the cart." And Lucado was similarly good-natured at work, the boss remembers. "When he worked for me, I always wished my kids could be like him," Wilmouth says. "He put a friendly face on" the work and was always willing to help out his coworkers. "He was a great employee. I learned a lot from him." 4. He's a Driven, Loyal Guy Who's Always There for Others: OK, Prince Charming alert here—and not just because Wilmouth, who has spoken to Lucado recently, is happy to hear that his former employee is living a "modern-day Cinderella story" out in California. "He would always go out of his way to help people," another old friend of his tells us, recalling this anecdote: "I was 15 and he was 16 and he was already driving, and my girlfriend had a softball game an hour way. I wanted to surprise her and go to the game... I just called him last-minute and asked him if he could drive me to see my girlfriend's game. I told him it would be a good time and he said, ‘No problem, I'll pick you up in ten minutes.'" Eanes, Lucado's former golf coach, says he retired after being diagnosed with throat cancer—and that Lucado would always come to see him when he was in town. "He was very thoughtful in that respect," Eanes says. "I hope he is doing all right." Well, he is doing all right. And... 5. It Makes Sense That He Found Britney Spears: "You wouldn't worry about him being star-struck or trying to get famous," Lucado's pal Higley says. "He is very gentlemanly like. He is very down to earth and there is never a dull moment with him. He is full of life and liked to laugh, and is a fun person to be around. He is very charismatic. There was no doubt he was going to do well in life." "I don't think by any means he was looking for someone famous," Higley adds. "It is just not hard to believe [that he's with Britney]...He would walk into the room and pick out the best girl. He wasn't really scared of anything or anybody. He was very confident, but not cocky or anything. And he definitely was good to his friends." Coach Eanes agrees: "I'm not surprised [about Spears]. David would walk in anywhere and it was like he belonged." "He could speak to anyone and did it well," Wilmouth says. "He has a good way with people. He is a motivated, intelligent go-getter...He might be really good for [Britney]. Maybe she finds someone that's not Hollywood and doesn't have all the luggage." Wilmouth says that Lucado told him when they last talked, "Life is good, Jimmy. I am living the dream and really enjoying myself."

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